A company shall by a special resolution and after following with the plan mentioned under the act 2013. To change the company registration office from the one state or union territory to another.
Under the act 2013, an application with required documents working confirmation for alteration of memorandum with consider to modify of place of their registration office. The government may create an order confirming the changes on such terms and conditions.

Board Meeting
Hold a board meeting and confirm the transfer of registration office to another state or union territory and you can fix the time, date for general meeting.
General Meeting
Pass a special declaration in e-form no. MGT-14 with the explanatory assertion for confirming the transfer of registration office to other state or union territory.
Publication of application
The company shall at least 14 days before the date of hearing advertise in form INC-26 in their language in which the company registration office is located.
Filing of special resolution with ROC
Register electronically with the specific declaration in e-form no. MGT-14 with the explanatory assertion with the Roc concerned within 30 days by paying the suggested fees.
Service of individual notice
Provide by registered post with recognition due, individual notices on each debenture creditor and holder of the company serve.
Filing of application
Provide a copy of application with entire annexures to the chief secretary and registrar of the state government or union territory where the registration office is located at the time of filing the application.
Application to central government
The company is registered their application with the central government in e-form No. INC-23.
Attached documents in the application
- Copy of MOA
- General meeting with explanatory statement copies
- The document involving to payment of application fees
- Special resolution approving the changes by the company members
- The application is verifying by an affidavit
- List of debenture holders and creditors allowed to object the application
- The list of creditors is verifying by an affidavit
- An affidavit from the company directors which no employee shall be reduced as an importance of shifting their registration office
List to be kept for inspection
A certified copy of the creditors list shall be kept for check the company registration office during their normal business hours.
Action to be taken on receipt of the order
The government may create an order for verifying the changes on such terms and conditions. Shifting of registration office shall not authorize any injury, investigation, inspection has been commenced against the company.
Notification of change in newspapers
Declare the change of registered office in the newspapers.
Details to stock exchange
If the company shares are listed with any certified stock exchange then notify the change of registration office to the respective stock exchange.
Postal Ballot
The whole companies except one person company and companies having up to 200 members can pass the specific declaration by postal ballot.
Change of registered office within a state
Any company wishful of shifting its company registration office may by specific declaration passed by the company can change its
An existing company outside the city, village, town where such office is located at the start of this act or where it may be located later.
If any other company outside the city, village, town where such office is located or where placed later.
Any company wishful of changing the area of its registration office from one place to other within a state must get validation from the regional director. If changing the registered office from the authority of one ROC to another ROC within the same state. The registrar shall verify the registration within 30 days from the authentication of that filing date.

Change of Name by a Company
A company name can change its subject to the confirmation of the government in writing. No authorization of the central government is necessary where the change in the name of a company in deletion or addition of the word “Private” consequent on the changes of a public company into a private company or of a private limited company into a public company in following with the circumstances of the act 2013. The name suggested and should not be similar with or too closely be like the name of an existing company.
Change of Name
Under the companies act 2013 and approval of the central government for the company name is changed from RS Coal Company Ltd to AB & Company Limited. The RS Coal Company Limited wherever it occurs in the AOA and Memorandum of the company be replaced by the new name “AB & Company Limited’.
Application for availability of name
For name change, the company examined and create an application electronically. First to the ROC for the availability of company name in e-form No INC-1. The suggested name applied should not be awful as per the proper stipulations of the act.
Call Board Meeting
On authentication from the ROC that the new company name is available for approval, the day, place is fixed in their meeting.
Hold General Meeting
So, this meeting should be held to pass the specific plans.
Filing with ROC
On getting the confirmation an application should be made to the ROC for a fresh incorporation certificate.
Carry out important changes
Important changes should be carried out in entire copy of the AOA, memorandum, office papers, common seal, sign boards, documents, etc.,
Central government when confirmation not needed
If the name changes in amounts to either deletion therefrom or addition thereto of the word “Private” as a result of conversion of public company into private limited company.
If the company director in Bangalore, he may visit their